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EAD Education

The long-distance education (EAD) did not get success in some cases. From the use of the new technologies of information and communication (NTCIs) it was possible to approach pupils and professors and to get success in this modality of education. The globalization is one of the elements that alavancaram the necessity of permanent education of the adults. The current courses of EAD have obtained success because they had obtained to correct committed errors previously. Through this correction it was possible to conquer the credibility of the society. The EAD is a ensinoaprendizagem process where professors and pupils are moved away physically and if they approach through texts printed matters, electronic, mechanical ways and for others techniques.

The term ' ' long-distance education ' ' it makes possible some forms of study. Six elements are essential to define long-distance education. They are: separation between student and professor; influence of an educational organization, especially in planning and preparation of the learning materials; use of half technician media; steps for communication in two ways; possibility of seminaries (actual) 0ccasional; participation in the form more industrial of Education. Long-distance education is an education form that makes possible the autoaprendizagem, that is, the pupil studies alone, when to want, when it will be able, creates its proper schedule and place of study, receiving orientation and aid from professors through some ways, for intermediary of an education institution. &#039 has some definitions for the term; ' long-distance education ' '. All the definitions, however, are similar. It also has some institutions of education that offer courses in this modality.

Each institution defines the courses, the activities, the horria load and the form as the courses will be developed. Valley to remember that EAD does not mean the purchase of a diploma or easiness if to obtain one. Quite to the contrary. The pupil of a necessary course EAD to be disciplined, to reserve a time of the day or the week to make readings, to study and to carry through the activities demanded for the course. Contrary case will not obtain to fulfill in skillful time all the tasks. The pupil of an actual course can support itself in a colleague, what he does not occur with the pupil of a course EAD. In these courses, the pupil if sees alone, with tasks to be fulfilled in one definitive stated period. This demands a bigger degree of responsibility of the pupil. The EAD courses are respected and recognized by its pupils and the society to the measure who demonstrate a true commitment with the ensinoaprendizagem process. The Ulbra (Luterana University of Brazil) is an institution that offers EAD courses, but seems that not yet it is prepared for this. What more it makes it difficult the academic life of the pupils of this institution is the lack of administrative organization, what causes upheavals to the pupils and compromises the credibility of the Ulbra and for consequncia of the EAD in Brazil. What it does not occur with the FINOM (northwestern College of Mines). This institution if has shown compromised truily with the quality of its courses. This fact of the credibility to the FINOM and the EAD. At last, the EAD still needs to suffer some adjustments. The EAD is something new, but it will be permanent and grow, therefore the search for this modality of education grows to each year. This is excellent. All the education forms are very welcome.

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