They appeared more interested in those who fit into his private car. And then it occurred to him, put a bus line between Caleta Olivia and Tinogasta. That was the origin of the pioneer company “Ortiz.” That was decades ago and today there are several companies – curiously the Argentine interior, which makes these journeys of thousands of kilometers. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Nike. Talking with one of the holders of one of these companies told us they were surprised because they had enabled a service between the cities of Salta and Comodoro Rivadavia, via Mendoza. He had been enabled to feed on intermediate traffic between the different cities that was traveling.
But here they took the passengers appeared surprised that they did the entire trip between the cities extreme. In this sense, is the well-known joke in the sense that the southernmost city in the province of Cordoba, is not Huinca Renanco, as the political map but Ushuaia. We have the experience of internal migration flows that took place outside the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, that is families that are “deconcentrated for theirs.” That does not mean that in cities and towns Patagonian tourist areas as is common to find young couples marriage “remarried” and retirees or pensioners who have “fled” from the “hell enjoyed. About any changes in Federal Capital, finished persuade us that “through proper mobilization and coordination, there are in the public sector and community resources of all kinds and especially a skilled human capital, to pursue courses of action as here we are considering. We have emphasized the issue of visibility.
I invite the readers, at least for hypothetical purposes to cover it, which in Argentina has been made and are making many important actions, although they are not known. Here there is a communication problem, it would be interesting to unravel. A simple example, we began to discuss what happens with what is given to call the Distribution Analytical annual national budget, which from the provisions of the National Constitutional Convention of 1994, a decision is made by the Chief Administrative Cabinet of Ministers. While it covers the budget of the national or federal public powers can be extrapolated to the budgets approved for their jurisdictions the Provincial Legislatures and Municipal Councils of Deliberation, or equivalent. Arguably, there is a sort of “budget literacy”, as very low number of people discussed the budget and less as a reference source of what is done with money taxpayers. This example also allows glimpse the possibilities of increasing intrusion of Technology and Information Communication Technologies (ICTs). For about a five-year period the contents of that distributive Administrative Decision Analytical Budget is accessible to anyone on the Internet. This is a quantum leap that has not yet been received, but who will do everything that is done, beyond the official and opposition press comments on the matter. You can also infer retrospectivame