Educational Agencies

However, educational agencies were reluctant take beginners: first, to study for a long time – it takes several years to make from an intern / admin / secretary / assistant to the manager in the true sense of the word, ie someone who can work own and manage the work. Practical skills can not be downloaded into the brain as a computer, they need to create in the process. And just the knowledge that can be obtained by elementary memorization and analysis requires a lot. Gerald Weissmann, MD: the source for more info. For about two years in the human need to invest time and effort of experienced staff, and in this case – to pay his salary. The dilemma is that on the one hand, wanting to teach someone to for my money, there's not much, on the other hand, a person who performs work, even if not fully own or are not fully claim to be completely self-pay market … Of qualified personnel in field of study abroad is really there – most educational agencies are faced with it.

And, despite the fact that the industry is booming thanks to the economy and the general rise in wages on It is difficult to name at least one truly major educational agency. Most are small firms that employ up to ten people or departments for study abroad a larger – travel agencies or language schools, where, again working only a few skilled managers. For example, the number of customers of one of Russia's largest educational agencies in 2004 was about 2,000, though this is rare exception and most of the educational agencies provide services to a much smaller number of customers, providing training abroad for an average of 100-300 people per year.