Playing Bingo

The system for playing bingo sport certainly does not give 100% gain, but using it you will see that it may well increase the number of correctly predicted numbers, and all that you will miss it so little luck. If you do not have their the system then you have nothing to lose, use this. If you have your own system you can place it on the page The essence of my system than in water. To get started, answer the following question honestly, you ever run through the numbers … .1 2 3 4 May 6 (Not for fun and really believing that such a combination of numbers may well fall out) I think not.

Although the theory is a combination of winning numbers shall have the right to exist. That is, this combination can virtually eliminate what we do. The essence of the system in that we create the rules by which we will not guess what the number will fall to the track. Circulation, but instead will try to predict what numbers will not get in the winning list (after this will have fewer numbers of them with a little luck you will guess the winning combination) thus increasing the likelihood of success. Of course from a mathematical point of view, the probability of winning does not change.

For me, such as the number 3 which has already dropped out twice in circulation (eg 159i160) the probability of loss in tirazhe161 well, very small and I had safely excluded, and I will be fewer numbers of them have to guess the winner. But on this we will not stop, we invent rules by which we continue to exclude certain numbers in a given quantity. Of course we need to have statistics about the winning numbers. For example come up with a rule by which the number of the date of the circulation is not in the list of winners in this draw, any one who can estimate the statistics of how many of the prior editions, this rule is true. So we have excluded the two numbers. Next to come up with different rules …


In the last century, with ability to read and write you were more than enough not to be an illiterate, but since a few years ago, it is necessary to know how to deal with a computer, the internet, cell phone, the twiter and other technological advances, in order to be updated or how could appoint us not be a functional illiterate. Technology advances to big steps and it is necessary to make use of it for different applications, the most important or its greatest impact would be on education, should occupy as a cornerstone technology to form the man of the future, a future that we reached, a future that is already an essential part of this present. Make use of this technology for education, it would involve first highly qualified teachers in the use and application of different technology tools that are present today, both physical (tangible) tools as software advanced, so that with their knowledge and skills, they encausaran it towards the children of primary and secondary schools, being These basic levels to receive the teacher’s lessons and potential applications of the technology. For higher levels, students would have to make use of this technology for the solution of problems of your education and your environment, take advantage of technology so that enforced in their professional development. For the student who receives a theoretical-practical training, in the classrooms of a company and is already part of an economically active society, should occupy the par technology that is work by him, to comply with the rates that govern the Organization, to improve production processes, to improve as focused training is given to a process.

And with time and technological advances, we will become skilled operators of the technology, since with it we solve a multitude of problems, both at work and at home. We must be aware of the proper use of the various tools that we face every day, we must make use of them with the firm objectives learn, teach, but above all to improve this world in which we live and find this healthy competition by improving our result. Lic. Arturo Calderon Diaz Eng. Enrique Cesar Alcantara Lic. Erika Monserrat Medina Tejeda Eng. Jose Saul Suarez Perez Lic. Rafael Herrera Perez Lic. Silvia cinnamon Fernandez December 2009 original author and source of the article