Neilson DNA

Is reward staff for their achievements? What concerns and worries are fostered in people, both explicit, as tacitly? (d) information: what indicators are used to measure performance as how knowledge is transferred and activities are coordinated? you would like communicate expectations and progress?? Who knows what? how it is transmitted information from who has it up who need it? Add the indicated authors organizational DNA provides a framework that executives can use to diagnose problems, discover strengths and modify the behavior of their peers. It is a tool that makes it much easier to work and that, understand how he got to the current state and to identify how to change it. Gloria Arizaga reminds us in this regard, the combination of these forms the organizational DNA from companies, which, like the biological in people, determines its behavior. If the DNA is not well formed, performance is poor or null, explains Gary Neilson, senior Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton Neilson consulting, is a Harvard graduate with career of life at Booz Allen, says that it is why it is necessary to identify the DNA of each company before you take the next step. Since in search of change may be doing worse things, if not understand whats the point of which is starting, he warns. And what of these four components of the DNA is the most important? According to Neilson, it decision making, although it is also essential that the four elements work together. In a question-answer forum film director was the first to reply.

In the case of the Venezuelan company This is very true, since there is very little participatory management, which know how to really use an empowerment that invite the members of the company to make decisions, due to factors that still don’t have been able to correct as: a good organizational culture, training and development, confidence, fears, jealousy, motivating, inspiring, creative managers. In addition also, little motivation, scope, impact, product use much of it, of ignorance of how management step giving stimuli that generate participation, creativity, productivity. Indeed, little attention paid to management in know how to properly handle necessary motivational factors, especially against the apathy of the workers in the proper performance of their duties. Arizaga, reminds us in addition, deemed, that companies with sick DNA must aspire to transform into an organization with healthy profile. And the profile you should insert their efforts is the resistant. Companies with this gene are those defined as flexible, adaptable and have an organizational model where all know what they are doing and, above all, manage to make things. Some examples of this type of companies, according to Neilson, are Fedex, Procter & Gamble and Nissan. Finally point to Diaz and polished, it should not be forgotten, through the application of the model of organizational DNA has been found that most of the companies can be classified in seven types of organizations: the disorder organization; The distrustful organization; the immature organization; the superdirigidas organization; the organization just in time; the military organization; the strong organization.

Definitely comment the mentioned authors, keep in mind: change the DNA of a company means to modify the Organization at all levels, to make it able to adapt and correct it, make it more robust with time.