Intervertebral Satchel

Children carry redundant much school documents according to a study. As a result, the spine will be charged hard. The schoolboys and schoolgirls should clarify with the intention that heavy schoolbags are harmful. They were therefore in studying upright and on balls. The baccalaureate have proved that too serious bags to faulty posture control. The satchel is not only used to carry books to the educational institution. It has also a special-purpose: the satchel to meet not only his actual job, but be visually appealing, and meet the trend. “” An analysis shows that when selecting the two factors useful “and health-conscious” no function playing.

2 schoolgirls were interviewed. They admitted that they take care of just the optical. Today they know better and understand immediately who adds too much damage with his satchel. It is generally known that the DIN 58124 dictated schoolbags should amount to no more than 12% of the weight of the children. The Measurement showed that seventy percent of students the school bags were heavier prescribed by the standard. Closer look at the results then you can highlight, that especially the younger students carry much more with them. For two years has been measured for the study.

The analysis shows that every time much has been worn. Although it was a good move, by the Minister of health to provide lockers, but still remained enough ballast on the spine. Because the lockers not to relieve long out, the school had an idea: so that it will not be postural, it is rational to muscles, which compensate for the weight. During the school breaks, athletic exercises were organized so that the motor and power will be trained. How did the children on this excellent idea? You took above from the literature. Anywhere on school chairs to sit, the children sat during the lessons on seat balls to relieve pressure on the spinal column. By constantly moving seats is the mobility of the spine and Intervertebral discs are more trained. The Director of the school hopes that other schools realize the same project.Eltern for satchel shopGuardians enough selection of satchels, backpacks and co.