Family Education

The family is the central focus of the society and does not remain ignorant to the profound transformations and changes of values and norms that are occurring in recent times. But you need to adapt and be able to assimilate and adapt to these structural changes if you do not want to plunge into instability that confused you in its most important functions. With the help of educators relatives intends to contact with families in the middle to help them perceive the unstoppable process of change that are mired and the gradual modification of its task and function. Source: film director. The educator family intervenes comprehensively through the everyday relationship favoring that families themselves are the protagonists of their changes and improvements, thus the capacity of responsibility and own performance that would allow progress consistent with the own transformation. The contribution of the educator family will be more objective and effective as possible, working on the difficulties that transits the family institution today from the knowledge of the methods and resources necessary to do so. Family education has addressed all the members of the family system and the interrelation of this with the community, school and social system. Contact information is here: Kindle Direct Publishing.

Why we must bear in mind that families that works with the educator often live in suburbs, for most marginal and with various family and social problems and cronificadas. Why family education should start from an integral, as education with the existing diversity and to put all their wills in preventing stigmatization of certain sectors or lower social classes economic, cultural and socially. Through family education strives to advance the institution, not already looking for only their survival, but happiness, plurality, consistency, solidarity, the Elimination of poverty and marginalization or social integration of its members..

Educational Management

At this time there are multiple discussions around design and educational management in its different areas: academic, pedagogical, administrative, community, end in all its dimensions, has been linking to schools. In that sense, there has been a series of very relevant discussions around the school autonomy, participation, educational outcomes, among other topics. All these topics scholars agree that educational institutions and general social institutions, are a means to the achievement of educational objectives; its performance, its effectiveness, its efficiency, its transparency, are aspects that allow join efforts to reach consensus to establish a sound educational policy. By the same author: Richard Linklater. Having an agenda that allows addressing, but above all to allow all actors of society to participate and involucren in education, is one of the most important goals throughout the educational system must be pursued. Education is not the responsibility of the teacher, is not absolute responsabilidad of our Government, it is the responsibility of an entire society and, in that regard, coordination of efforts should be between the public and private sectors, between schools and institutions looking for apoyar to these, among national and local authorities throughout the territory. Thus the educational management is transformed into quality of life, allows conceiving the curriculum management leads directly to support the work in the classroom and start from the needs of learning, of those living between teacher and pupil, will be the guidelines for design proposals and strategies that enable human beings to achieve the maximum development of their capacities as educational product and application for the achievement of individual and community well-being as a result of the relationship that establishes the educational product and your community with this idea have to endow a Faculty of necessary inputs that can manage the necessary curriculum in the area where the school achieves its performance no nothing more the curriculum but we will be witnesses to a different way of assessing the educational process, so plans and school projects put in the foreground the learning and development of skills to live using knowledge understood as programmatic content, they will only be starting point and no ultimate purpose, if the design of plans and projects to improve then we will have evidence and clues or indicators that allow us to observe the educational development and educational productat the same time we will identify how it impacts on well-being in all fields of life..