According to Rezende (1998) ‘ ‘ some parents for the fact to detrabalharem the entire day and not to have time to be with the children, see nateleviso one ‘ meio’ to distract the same ones while they are not in house, ouat exactly when they arrive tired of the service and do not want that the children osincomodem, orders they to attend TV without if worrying about the contedosescolhidos ones for the small ones, as if the TV was a dribble eletrnica’ ‘. Still in accordance with Rezende (1998, p.72): in a loaded modernity of mandos and requirements docrculo familiar, parents are and diligent mothers can have in television one recursopara ‘ ‘ distrair’ ‘ the children in house while they are, or quandoretornam exauridos of its fights of the day-by-day professional one. Thus, the TV passes to aser justified as an efficient way. Whenever we leave our children displayed to the damdia influence, it wants either to occupy its time or for not bothering in them, acabamosno in giving the account of that stops the child is only one source deentretenimento and with this not we perceive that of this form we are losing oponto of reference of our children. For Train (1997, P. 53) ‘ ‘ to attend you wave and more scenes of aggressiveness and violence it diminishes the inhibition and ascrianas starts to accept that violent solutions for osproblemas’ are allowed; ‘. Ahead of this, one becomes necessary to observe with more atenoque type of programs our children are attending.
One notices that the television presents estereotipadas forms dosvalores, norms and models of behaviors that are considered certain for asociedade in general. In accordance with It hisses (2007, p.23), today, what we could perceive is that the television is in seiodas families, therefore a very common thing is that before the families if congregated emvolta of the table in the meal schedules, and today, they pass if to congregate emvolta of the television, not if the dialogue of long ago has more, it televisopassou therefore it to be the only thing to be heard.