The great current challenge is the sustainable development, that searchs the balance between the socioeconmico development and the preservation of the environment. The term ‘ ‘ development sustentvel’ ‘ is including engloba economic, social and ambient aspects, he was express in the Brundtland Report as ‘ ‘ development that takes care of to the necessities of the gift, without compromising the capacity of the future proper generations to take care of to its necessidades’ ‘ (MOUSINHO, 2003, P. 348). Thus, the focus of the society contemporary cannot more be directed only for the production of wealth, but for its distribution and its better use. A true one is necessary and accomplishes change of position in the relation between the man and the nature, where it does not have the domination, but the harmony between them so that if it can save the natural resources.
4. Substances and Methods the ultilizado method was to apply a perpectivo questionnaire people to answer them, and thus, ahead of the results, to carry through the data-collecting, for then having a profile of who of the preference to the sustainable products, that is, that less it degrades the environment. The applied questionnaire had as base the questions of the page of the Internet of the Federal University of the Bahia of Department of Ecological on the ambient footprint of the pupils. Had access in day 15/06/2011, the following electronic address: . /questionario_ pegada_ambiental_Final.pdf.
White public: pupils of Basic Ensino, average level complete, graduated and students postgraduates, with diversified etrias bands. Quantitative of interviewed: seventy and three students of basic level and as complete degree in Brasilia, seventy and seven student of after-graduation and graduated Goinia; Totalizing: one hundred and cinquenta interviewed people. 5. Results gotten in the research the research was applied the students of the Center of Basic Education 16 of Taguatinga, that is a city satellite of Brasilia and, also, to some pupils of the Federal Institute of Brasilia, of the course technician in recycling of solid residue, therefore, the same it possesss complete Average Education; in the total seventy and three people had been interviewed.