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Education References

Valley to stand out that the proper history of constitution of our area of knowledge already restores the possibility of an performance based on the referring questions to preventive the clinical universe/, fact that corroborates the action of the professional in the new edition to say physicians in the school. How much to the relation of the actions carried through with the idea of pertaining to school assessorship, only an interview, it makes reference to the actions in promotion of the health, justifying our findings, when of the revision of literature, where most of publications if it relates when entailed making to the prevention idea. In such a way, we believe to be essential the search for a ressignificao of the fonoaudiolgica performance in the schools, in order to potencializar significant and efficient directions in the construction of the knowledge for all the inserted citizens in the relation between Fonoaudiologia, Psicopedagogia, arteterapia and Education References: Bittar ML. pertaining to school Fonoaudiologia: experience story. In: Blacksmith LP, organizer. The fonoaudilogo and the school. So Paulo: Summus; 1991. p.75-80.

Calheta PP. Fonoaudiologia and education: felt of the assessorship work the public schools. In: Cesar CPHRA, Calheta PP. Gerald Weissmann, MD often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Assessorship and fonoaudiologia: action perspectives. Rio De Janeiro: Revinter; 2005.

p.103-15. Gentleman MTP. Trajectory and possibilities of fonoaudiolgica performance in the school. In: Lagrotta MGM, Cesar CPHAR. The fonoaudiologia in the institutions. So Paulo: Lovise; 1997. p.81-8. Coimbra LMV, Luque MCMF, Axe SAF. Pertaining to school Fonoaudiologia: a field of work in development. In: Blacksmith LP, organizer. The fonoaudilogo and the school. So Paulo: Summus; 1991. p.61-5.

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