In a psicologista approach, the Orientation it served? more for the proper system of what for proper alunos' '. In the current LDB, Law n 9394/96 of 20/12/1996, the Educational Orientation is explicitada only in art. 64, that it deals with ' ' formation of the professionals of the Education for administration, planning, inspection, supervision and Educational Orientation for the Basic Education, that will have to be made in courses of graduation in Pedagogia or level of after-graduation, the criterion of the institution of education, guaranteed, in this formation, the common base nacional' ' , however the importance of the professional formation of the Educational Person who orientates perpassa all the Law, in some articles, as for Average Ensino, how much to the resumes related to the general preparation for the work, mainly related to the alternatives of Young the Basic Education of Adult and to the Professional Education. Beyond the legislation to explicitar Educational orientation and its formation of more general form, have the question of the formation of this professional, who was vacant, therefore do not exist plus a specific course that forms educational people who orientates. It has some years the formation was done in a specific course inside of the Pedagogia, currently only in after-graduation level, not being offered in all the universities or being only offered in the long-distance modality. The previous formation, made to the light of the old legislaes, gave to much emphasis to the theories of Psychology, permeando the work of the educational person who orientates as somebody that could anticipate the problems of the pupils to adjust them the way to it or when very an applicator of vocational tests became and, that also they aimed at the adjustment of the pupil to the work market, without questioning the validity of these practical very, finishing for inside inciting critical the performance of this professional of the school and the necessity of that this function if kept in the pertaining to school pictures.