Create pdf with GO2PDF will be free, if you wish you removes this line, click here you buy Virtual pdf Printer Picture 3.0. Distribution of the symbolic categories, abstracted from the interview half-structuralized, on ' ' activities desenvolvidas' '. Category: Developed activities Subcategoria positive aspects Code thematic Unit orqudea thematic Unit tulipa Prevention/SRPe Education people makes the lecture with the dentist is the part of the intervention that people pass of house in house explaining people leave with the list, with the name of who the result already is here. That beyond the prevention it makes the auto-examination of the breast. .People work with escovao in the schools Make walked Lectures with orientaes to the adolescents on sex, drugs Lectures with aged, hipertensos, adolescent, odontlogos, aleitamentos maternal, the gestantes ones Orientaes in combat to the affection Integration of the Team and SRIec community.A time people made a lecture there and the staff spoke, that people could not only take care of of health. The staff spoke, because vocs not they obtain to bring a rank.
People make this meeting with the family Work with children in the schools To look for to make the intermeshing between health team and the community Then, we look in them to establish connection the health to the life of the community Already, in this time that people have of PSF, always we are congregating with the community to know what they desire Integration of the SRIe Team and the coordinator makes question that all the team works I participates. Making posters Always people participate. The team makes the lecture Who makes the lecture is the group Educative Activities, thus, with the dentist, the doctor and the nurse Working with SRTg groups I find that of the gestantes. .That it is the group of aged, that includes hipertenso, diabetes and the aged ones.