“Peace education in schools – made easy: new website provides well-stocked and mostly free teaching materials for teachers and multipliers peace needs to be learned” is the motto for peace education in schools. The website peace education schule.de provides for a variety of support offerings free of charge. Teachers and instructors, as well as other interested parties find materials to the political education of young people, can get in touch with speakers and access a comprehensive documentation of the current discussion about peace education in the school. On the website multipliers can find arranged in a database by grade level, subject and specialist teaching materials. These materials are sighted according to criteria of professional, educational and peace-pedagogic kind and sorted. There are videos, campaigns, exhibitions, or simulations, which can supplement the lessons. With this continuously advanced materials can on the subjects of conflicts, war and peace constructively critical work. A special focus is on the ways of the civil conflict.
A special service for teachers is the format current hour”: a hours planning including material list can be downloaded to a currently reacting relevant topic. In addition, there is information on peace education, literature, notes to parents and students, as well as a training and events calendar on the site. There you can also order a newsletter on current developments in the field of peace education. The site is part of the peace education project, Bundeswehr and school”and is supported by the action community service for peace (AGDF) and the Evangelical Association for conscientious objection and peace (EWC).