Surprise and annoyance, it caused the Mayor of Chile Chico, Luperciano Munoz, information disseminated by some regional media where gave to understand that the commemoration of the anniversary week and the Championship of fishing of Puerto Bertrand had the support of this company, in circumstances that the organization always has been in charge of the local municipality, which partnership the company has not requested at any time. The Mayor expressed that we have not received and will not receive a single weight and will never accept any kind of support or financing of municipal activities by transnational corporations. Everything has been done with our own resources. The position of the town of Chile Chico is firm against those who want to harm our region. This Mayor is not sold as they have done in other communities such as Cochrane. He added that it is different in Tortel where an inquiry was made public. If there is or not a training to certain inhabitants of Puerto Bertrand is subject of each one. I think it good that people train is and move forward, I congratulate them.
But that doesn’t mean in any way that this has been a contribution to the week of activities and celebrations of the town. He also noted that the posture of this municipality is very clear regarding HidroAysen. The only thing that they do with these things is to buy the conscience of people, trying to flag with activities that are specific to the communities and with which entrepreneurs of HidroAysen have nothing to do. He pointed out that we want to take advantage of thank the reception people also gave the authorities present on-site during the celebrations, which were popular roasts and much more, giving us the affection and respect that exists toward those who represent them. Finally, Luperciano Munoz questioned the public information that delivers HidroAysen and which in this case would have given to understand that the week of Puerto Bertrand had the support of the electrical. If they want to win your platita that do their job well, but that they not lie expressed, indicating that it expects that clarify the situation and that even though the company and the community have every right to join together in joint initiatives in any way we can say publicly that the first supported an activity that belongs officially and by tradition to the commune, and less without mentioning the support of the municipality. Puerto Bertrand’s week was organized from 16 to 22 February and, as every year, was achieved materialize thanks to the municipality of Chile Chico contributed municipal staff, artists and awards by the Championship of fishing, organized meals, sports activities and the dance of completion, among other actions. The occasion became the official delivery of the gymnasium of the town, with an investment of more than 100 million pesos. Also reported that soon will start the paving of the streets of the town for more than $450 million and is guaranteed the new school financing, amounting to close to $100 million.