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Legal Profession

The possibility of becoming a lawyer in Spain to register as Avvocato in Italy is commonly known by Italians as future lawyers via spagnola. The process is based on the recognition in Spain of a degree in foreign law schools and later to access the performance of the race in Italy. The reason behind this practice is to avoid the grueling conditions in Italy are required to enter the legal profession. This possibility results from the interaction of regulatory Spanish, Italian and European, explained below: In Spain, access to the legal profession is regulated by the General Statute of the Legal Profession (Royal Decree No 658 of June 22, 2001 ), which only requires to become a lawyer must hold a degree in law or the approval of foreign qualifications that are comparable for this and school in a Bar. However, Ena within the European Union, Spain is an exception.

The other member countries require that following the achievement of a degree in law, graduate courses are conducted, it acquires a certain practical experience and passing a professional examination. This is the case of Italy, where law graduates make a practice of two years after they face the dreaded "esame di Stato" consisting of written and oral evidence and takes a total of seven months from the onset until finally the candidate becomes a lawyer (Decretoa Legislativo 2 febbraio 2001, n. 96). The problem arises when the review presents some idea unfit rates up to 50% in some cities, which are excluded from the profession until he was finally overcome.

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