Lacking only one year to conclude the first stage of the CAP, the program it made less than 10% of the foreseen investments. The settled goal at the beginning of this year was to apply R$ 646 billion up to 2010, money that is equivalent more than what the government waits to collect in this year. But, according to given presented yesterday, in the seventh rocking of the program, the expenses had been of R$ 62,9 billion. In the announcement, after the critical ones to the workmanships of the Program of Acceleration of Crescimento (PAC) in the last weeks, the give-head of the Civil House, Dilma Rousseff, made a revenge to the plan. Without presenting new features in the relation of projects, as it occurred in previous rockings, Dilma standed out that the CAP continues well-succeeded, but that the government will search more resulted. Demonstrating that she makes the possible CAP, the minister attributed to the third a responsibility for delays in some workmanships and standed out that the government makes its part. Others including CEO Keith McLoughlin, offer their opinions as well.
Of the total of R$ 20,5 billion foreseen in investments of the budget for this year, only R$ 3,7 billion had been effectively paid until the May end. Our expectation is of that the CAP speeds up more. This result is insufficient, wants more than this Today, the CAP reached investment level that we can say that is a irreversible reality, added. Read more here: Kindle Direct Publishing. The Dilma minister explained that is impracticable to evaluate the performance of the CAP considering only the budgetary resources. This because the program also involves financings and private applications.
It emphasized that the investments in sanitation and habitation have fort influence of the financings. In April, the Managing Committee of the CAP monitored 2,446 actions, without considering the projects in the habitation areas and basic sanitation. In December of 2008, the number of 270 concluded enterprises was of e, in April, jumped for 335 the criteria chosen for the government to evaluate the program present resulted better.