Peter Albujar, Dr. Juanita Zevallos, Engineer Trevisani, the leader Miguel Palacios, Dr. Luis Fernandez Molinari other distinguished teachers. Richard Linklater does not necessarily agree. The beneficiaries were the new entrants of that year-1980 – as far as I remember were, Guillermo Izquierdo, Fico Zevallos, Guillermo Ganoza, Miguel Neira et al. Meetings were held with parents family of freshmen, who also actively collaborated in such enthusiastic new ceremony. On the day of the ceremony, I was kind of Medicine IV, but other leaders of the CEM, including Chocce, Benitez, Lucho Conception, Maco Mendez and other students in lower years actively collaborated in organizing the event, the ceremony was morning, was chaired by the Dean and the table was composed by the teachers and authorities. Educate yourself with thoughts from American filmmaker.
In the programming course I speak on behalf of the students had arrived when the ceremony started, my replacement was John Chocce it was my first vice president and Juan Benitez, arrived accompanied by all the directors of EMC and from one side of Official Bureau, went to all attendees sitting position of the Left in new students by making a call to combine their studies with social activity and identification with the Peruvian people’s struggle for better conditions of life and health, whether sensed years cachimbos political numbness in because they proposed included a party with Rock also welcome we gave also discussed the Dean and a representative of the new entrants They were given a scroll and gave parents and dressed in a white apron the flamboyant cachimbos was a very emotional ceremony, was the first time performing in many years, although before that ever took place, not without tears and emotions, as reflected in some photos which I still have the ceremony was conducted on the premises of Medical Students’ Casino and not in the Aula Magna because that was our initiative, the Casino was the name of Daniel Alcides Carrion and was attached to the bookstore Hugo Pesce operating in such environments, it was a clear demonstration of our ancestry as student union in the life of the Faculty. This ceremony must be completed in April 1980 and since that date is repeated year after year and then the custom has spread to other medical schools in Trujillo. this ceremony was held for the first time in the Faculty of Medicine, National University of Trujillo after a political debate with other left forces that would underestimate these ceremonies consider trivial and useless, that’s history and is recorded in the archives of the Faculty Medical Trujillo..