Confirmativas demonstrations to this situation are observed in the spheres of the power politician which walk corroded for the corruption, the crime organized that grows, for the urban violence that increases, also, between young inside and outside of the schools beyond the incivilidades, the absence of citizenship, the common mutual diffidence that the social contact has made it difficult and the terrorism that comes redesigning the world-wide order (TAILLE, SOUZA, VIZIOLI, 2004). If to make a parallel with the history of the country we detach that during the military dictatorship (1969 the 1986), it had a strong movement inside of the pertaining to school environment to doutrinar children and adolescents in the moral education. You discipline them Moral Education and Civic or Studies of the Brazilian Problems were specific substances that for intermediary of professors specialists would have to pass certain assumed values as basic. These you discipline had been structuralized by the Decree of 1969 with the purpose to control ' ' clutter social' ' sight as .causing of the curses of the Brazilian society. Values as the nationalism, love to the native land and its governing for the reach of the general progress had been placed as ends of all the education and by the obedience and severity many rules were followed (MENIN, 2002). However these values were not legitimate, therefore the taught values if distanciavam of the morality accomplish of the Brazilians (IT HISSES, s/d) As education cannot and it does not have to be something static and unidirectional; with elapsing of the years, new conceptions of education and values had started to enxergar that the classroom is not only one place to transmit contents theoretical; it is, also, place of learning of values and behaviors, acquisition of a logical and participativa scientific mentality, that will be able to make possible to the individual, guided good, to interpret and to transform the society and the nature into benefit of collective and personal well-being (SIQUEIRA, 2001).