Orahn Pamuk was born in Istanbul in 1952. Since 1974, dedicated solely to reading. Awarded numerous times with various prestigious awards, in 2008 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. The star of a Nievea is Ka, a poet who makes a living practicing journalism. The play on words that apparently exists in the Turkish language among the poet's name and title of the novel is lost in translation, but this setback did not affect either the plot or how to tell the author. Pamuk introduces us from the beginning in a suffocating straightjacket, both morally and culturally. The tedious lives of the inhabitants of Kars, hometown of the protagonist, are mixed with Islamic fanaticism and oppression of the dominant political class.
Using the isolation of the small border town, caused by heavy snow, Pamuk draws, perhaps without intention be a priority, the dismissal of the intellectuals, Turks in particular and Muslims in general, educated and trained at the gates of freedom and the Western permissiveness, men of culture whose work is supported by pillars constructed with the raw material extracted from their cultures, but whose intellectual strength due to the Western influence. The moment you try to use only their own willow appears sectarianism and a radical approach to every aspect of human thought and expression. We talk about theocratic societies, based on Islam, whose main body has failed to progress through the history and has been integrated into the social and political order of the Middle Ages. The reflections of the protagonist fair and measured, without too much further, they reveal a clear trace of European influence. History, Pamuk has been weaving memories by combining the player with the appearance of characters who add richness to the construction of a plot with many curves. Sometimes surprising behavior or attitudes that make the characters, and one gets lost a bit, not knowing whether to attribute this oddity to the difference in cultural approach to the needs or simply that plot has been imposing the author of the novel. I think excellent description of the poet's creative process along Ka stay in his hometown.
It is perceived that, no doubt, Ka must have been a great poet. Pamuk, creating a suffocating environment and a poor and austere landscape, in a strange place for a Western reader is able to keep us hooked on history. That's being a good writer. Safe Creative # 0912035058096.