Financial Education

Every parent want their children to thrive and succeed in life. An important part of that success will be determined by its ability to generate income that will provide a good standard of living, at least as good as that it had and hopefully better still.That is why one of the biggest efforts of any parent is the invest in the education of their children. In conjunction with the Government, spend billions of dollars a day to ensure that the next generation has the proper education so that they can not only survive, but hopefully prosper in life and make an important contribution to society.To achieve this the best option at our disposal is the recourse to traditional education designed by competent government agencies that propose a curriculum that delivers a so-called comprehensive education to our children.However, few know that traditional education has as its ultimate objective produce an individual who is well prepared for the labour market. Do not even consider the option of educating a person as a future entrepreneur. If you are not convinced, visit Gerald Weissmann, MD. Higher education nor does provide this alternative. The curriculum of the vast majority of universities that offer careers related to the management of finance, economics or business administration, aims to equip a person with the necessary tools to be able to be used in any administrative charge within an already established company.One thing is clear, their children will not learn to handle money, much less to invest in the school.

The majority of people who graduate from school, and even universities, don’t know carry a checkbook, don’t have the minimum skills to ensure proper accounting and much less how to invest the money that go to work hard. What has happened with the financial education?It is practically non-existent, some exceptions in which parents are companies in which the children have the opportunity to learn from a good model, when his studies leave them time enough to be able to engage in it!Independent of Ud want their children whether businessmen or not, the important thing is that their children discover their strengths and exploit them in such a way in the future having economic stability, which can sustain a family and live happily.And that is very difficult to achieve if we are giving them an education that teaches them how to generate an income, without also giving them the tools so they know what to do with him once he is in their hands. It is time that we as parents understand that we are giving them only 50% of the formula for success if we ignore financial education.