It is the only one that makes us honest, why is the center of all true education; an education that does not promote the spiritual intelligence is a simulation, a work on the surface, which will not achieve significant changes. It is important to discover what the true meaning of intelligence, above all when this term compared to emotional intelligence. This has been a term used by our own mechanistic structure, where we can find this term very closed, with lack of meaning, you’re intelligent, if you know much math; Here are not taken into account, an infinite number of factors that contribute to power medium define what is intelligence, can also talk about multiple intelligences, etc. But the spiritual intelligence is the oldest and the newest at the same time, besides that it is the higher intelligence because it is the most comprehensive. Spiritual intelligence is more necessary nowadays, why?, because it comes to the problem of fundamental and gravest of human beings at this time, what is the problem?, hedonism and nihilism. These two philosophies of life have colonized the conscience of human beings leading to suffering, confusion, moral collapse and the loss of meaning to live.
Hedonism is the addicted to the pleasure of the senses as a central criterion of existence. You mean, it reaches the pleasure through the ego. Nihilism (moral relativism), is a philosophy that proclaims that nothing is good or bad in itself, everything is relative and culturally dependent on how defines it the subject. We would have to carry out a great discussion to determine whether the spiritual intelligence is necessary in our present, and why. Without thinking about it, many would say yes, because with it we can eliminate our schema two phenomena that have accompanied us on our existence: hedonism and nihilism, the first as already mentioned refers to the pleasure of the senses (hedonism) and is put to pleasure as a philosophy of life (modus vivendus), the second (nihilism) defined as a moral relativism (nothing is good or badeverything is relative and culturally dependent on how define you the subject of the community in question).