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Thinking Like A Networker, Good Or Bad ?

When one takes time in this business, you find people in your business with other entrepreneurs, with many business proposals, etc … This leads to create alliances among people who want to achieve the same goal, sharing knowledge with people often are not of your same business, but they have a cordial relationship, friendship or business. Also the very process that we all must pass self-taught, and continue to enrich day to day, it we are gaining more experience, new tools, new contacts, etc … Now you will say, well, this is all good, what to do with the title of the post? I tell you: In the last year has moved me more than once that talking to a “colleague” of business that I asked opinion on something that was going to launch, or focus on an advertising campaign, etc … You may find Richard Linklater to be a useful source of information. I put to counsel from IMHO trying to do my best, when suddenly I had to stop and say, “Wait, our clients are not Networkers are Regular users of the Internet “Both of us were like, and we realized that sometimes, when you’re very familiar with this world of Internet and Network Marketing, we forget the most important! “Most people who use the Internet are not Networkers, but if customers” is very important never to forget this so important and obvious pair. Normally products are marketed in the Network Marketing are geared to a particular market, like those people Think! It is not difficult because we are all “normal” users of the Internet, ie, the typical Internet user who used to speak for the messenger in order to upload photos to a particular social network to see between 2 to 5 web pages you like, for download movies or music, etc, etc. .. THAT IS OUR MARKET, why? WHY ARE THE 98% OF INTERNET USERS So let us never forget when planning an advertising campaign, or launching a business, forget to think as Networkers, and think about what you would like to “normal” user from the Internet which offer, or would spend their money. This “tip” so simple it will save us a lot of trouble, believe me.

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