This task, whose right is of educating, is to have of the State and the family that has the obligation to offer education, in all its levels, for that they need to study to dream of better days. It can still be detached, what the LDB (1996) in its Art.3 glimpses: ' ' Education will be given on the basis of the following principles: I? equality of conditions for the access and permanence in the school. III? pluralism of ideas and pedagogical conceptions. X? valuation of the extra-pertaining to school experience. XI? entailing ' ' between pertaining to school education, the practical work and sociais.' ' These principles fortify what already it came being said of the EJA, when goes to search the teachings of Freire (1999) in regards to offering a democratic and participativa education, where some ideas, are argued and collated that enaltece the experience of life of educating, its relations of work and its way of life, the culture, the teachings of its parents and grandmothers. Of this form, narrow the abyss that if perpetuates between banking education and the lived deeply reality. The paragraph 1 of the Art.37 emphasizes that: ' ' the systems of young education will assure gratuitously to the adult, that had not been able to effect the studies in the regular age, appropriate educational chances, considered the characteristics of the alunado one, its interests, conditions of life and work, by means of courses and examinations. Finishing, it can be said that in Heading V, Of the Levels and the Modalities of Education and Education, of Section V, Adult the Young Education of e, in Art. 37: ' ' The young education of adult will be destined to those that had not had access or continuity of studies in basic and average education in the age prpria' '. Therefore, this young population of adult independemente has a modality of education supports that them and of the age, color, race, creed and way of life.