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Administration Companies

SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE As if to make to understand the importance of the System of Management in the administration of an organization not only thinking about certificaoHow of understand the importance of the Management System administration of an organization not only in thinking certificationRenato Beserra Da Silva, Specialist Engineering of the Integrated Quality, University Nine of July, UNINOVE 01156-050, So Paulo, SP email: renatobds@ Claudineia Helena Recco, Master, University Nine of July, UNINOVE 01156-050, So Paulo, SP, (11-91015540). Email: clau_recco@ ResumoAps years acting in the area of the quality, and ahead of some examples of successes of companies that exactly not having no type of certification in some type of system, if keeps forts and leaders in the market. Not yet they are seen in the obligatoriness of if having implemented a system of management with the objective of if getting a certificate. This article sample that the certification, whichever, is a natural consequence of if working with quality taking care of itself the applicable legislaes and norms for its area of business. Many times companies as being a ghost the implantation of a system, whichever, therefore directly intervenes with the day the day of a company and many times considered as requisite of a customer, who wants to see the certificate, and for times she is felt in the obligatoriness to implement it to take care of to this requirement, losing itself the agreement of the program of which she is implanting, not valuing the powerful tool that has in its hands for its administration and for consequence, the continuous improvement. Words Keys: Quality; System of Management, Organization and Administration. AbstractAfter years working in quality, and before several examples of successes of companies that not even having any kind of certification, adds type of system, remains strong and market leaders. Although not seen in the you have implemented management system certified.

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