Arc and Arrow: Object that can be used as toy in a culture, but in another culture is an object in which if it prepares to the children for the hunting it fishes and it aiming at to the survival. After the presented definitions it is necessary to clarify that the same ones must serve to help ahead in the reflection of the professor in its playful action of the child and does not stop limiting it in this process. It is important that the involved people in the research of the playful one believe that the game, the toy and the trick will have a deeper direction if to come represented for playing. In summary the playful universe encloses, of ampler form the terms to play, trick, game and toy. Playing characterizes the trick in such a way as the game and the toy as object has supported of the trick and/or the game. PAPER OF THE EDUCATOR IN THE PLAYFUL EDUCATION ' ' hope of a child, when walking for the school is to find a friend, a guide, an entertainer, a leader – somebody very conscientious and that if it worries about it and makes that it to think, to take conscience of itself of of the world and that is capable to give the hands to construct with it a new history and a society to it melhor' '. (ALMEIDA, 1987, p.195) to inside have of infantile institutions the development of educative playful activities, it is of basic importance to guarantee the formation of the professor and conditions of performance. Thus the rescue of the space to play day-by-day of the child in of the school or the day-care center will only be possible. For us the formation of the Infantile Educator, earns in quality if, in its sustentation, three pillars will be gifts: I. theoretical Formation II.