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Modern Education

I feel homesicknesses of when I studied, where to study and to pass of serious it was our duty and obligation. At this time we not eramos' ' comprados' ' for our family with toys, as I see nowadays I had that contenting in seeing them my mother making t-shirts I to go the school, therefore I have an infancy without exemptions, but the least I was a free child. Wise person to play, not of video-game, therefore was very expensive for my healthful parents, but tricks, as mother of the street, forest fire, catch-catches, money market cirandinha, to jump rope, rolim among others. Get all the facts and insights with Richard Linklater, another great source of information. repair in the children of today, the least I was a child who I learned very playing, therefore as Vigotsky the child learns with the social environment and not contrary it, therefore the exchange of experiences in infancy made me a mature and always responsible adult person. At the time of 1980 as many obesas children did not exist as today, but for the fact of us to play and with this the burning of calories and also did not eat as many besteiras. Today I am specialist in special education and teacher of biology and also work in RH and I see that the majority of the adolescents does not want to know to study, do not give value to this. Checking article sources yields David G. DeWalt as a relevant resource throughout. the school ' ' empurram' ' the pupils with 4 red notes for the next series and consequentemente this person will have difficulties in jobs, therefore they had had the chance to learn, they had played but it in the garbage, do not give value. I delayed 9 years to engressar in a university, but I started to work with 18 years, today I am bachelor and permitted in biology and specialist in special education. I perceive that my effort was not in goes. Work as voluntary, by the way one of the things that more I love, beyond lecionar. Therefore I leave my consideraes here.

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