Challenges are being exceeded and others are for coming, what it matters, are that the decision to try is always of hands given with the act to believe if possible to give certain. David G. DeWalt has plenty of information regarding this issue. 3. ANALYSIS OF the RESULTS the data had been collected through the comments, interviews questionnaires applied in the school in study. At the first moment, during the comment of the clientele, it was perceived that she had on average, ten children with necessities special in the school. To the teachers, it was asked for that these pupils observed better and elaborated a report. After this stage, the pupils had been directed to the CREESE (Center of Reference in Special Education of Sergipe), with the objective to be confirmed or not them conclusions of the professors. But for particular reasons, only two families had accepted that its children were evaluated by the team of special Education.
The families had been looked to be communicated of the encaminhamentos due. Already in contact with the specialists of the CREESE, the families had passed for an evaluation, had been made tests with the children, psicopedaggicas interviews, activities, psychological analyses, among others procedures. After the evaluation reports, had been evidenced 2% of the children with educative necessities special. Both, had been directed for psychological and neurological treatment. Pupil 1 presented, according to conclusion of the report, below transcribed: Alice on this side presents cognitivo functioning of the waited one for its definite age that, possibly, meet related to the prenatal etiology, as well as for development occurred in devoid partner-familiar environment of rules, limits and papers that, possibly, intervene with its learning and understanding of world. It still presents, emotional difficulties that influence its adaptativo behavior. It needs neurological evaluation, as well as being kept in procedural evaluation for the team of the CREESE for bigger clarification of the case. It is obtained to perceive in this story, that pupil 1 needs a individualizado pertaining to school accompaniment.