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Networking In Candelaria

In an interview with the psychologist of the municipality of Candelaria is because that reflects a multidisciplinary effort is conjugated, but the “networking” is limiting because the student population, teachers and administrators is considerable (4000 students, with a total of 5 locations and 125 teachers), still meets advocacy and prevention, and perform intervention although there clinics.

In reality educational psychologists in Colombia there is a nonconformity and that the profile is formed but from a clinical point of view so that when it comes into action is expected to intervene, assess and diagnosis , all in order to create an adaptation that makes an attempt to resolve the conflict for teachers, parents, directives are “happy” with the functionality of the institution, which necessarily involves the psychologist in charge of “chaos” after this * The educational psychology as a discipline and profession. Interview with Cesar Coll. Electronic Journal of Educational Research. the fact that this will only accommodate a few mental health professionals, and more if it is of public nature, in this case the psychologist interviewed stated that only one colleague to clinical and educational interventions in the five campuses of the candelaria institution, so the reality is somewhat critical, as it impossible to cover all educational needs of a population so large, including the full range of difficulties that arise with teachers, it expresses that some do not tolerate that their work is challenged in this case shows a limitation to the vision of education that traditional teaching does not change, because the involvement of professionals in this field is recent and there is no culture of how articulate holistic reality of the classroom with all aspects of a subject that enclose this in a educational process and in addition to that an attempt is made because the parents that participate in this educational process in which your children are but attendance is poor showing that they still have a tendency to believe that the educational process is a task only of the institution and relates only to academics.

The implementation of mental health has caused a shift in the “learning culture”, but still remain “strong consequences” of the concept and practice of education traditional, because in Colombia only a few years ago was implemented mental health in educational models and projects carried this context there have only been making these programs as they have been given greater importance to this dimension of the individual. To conclude the exercise of the educational psychologist goes beyond a mere intervention in the field of education, in not only applies to school processes but encompasses other dimensions that complement the context in which practice does not assume by just theory but through the experiences given from a specified educational reality that facilitate professional involvement in this, which is one more element to build joint teaching educational practices to improve processes both in the classroom as in all types of subject formation that improves their quality of life.

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