Still according to authors, the development of these stages requires action of comment, registers (perception), exploration (analysis) and appropriation (interpretation). In this way one searchs to construct in partnership with the social actors an educative process directed toward the knowledge and the valuation of the memory and the local identity. The preservation of the cultural patrimony is basic for the maintenance and the meeting of the social and cultural identity allowing the identification of the dynamics of individual action human beings and collectively. (Mamede, 2008) the methodology of the Patrimonial Education is materialized through the communitarian object study as strategy of learning of the sociocultural context. In this direction the patrimonial education intends to be a program that searchs the awareness of the communities concerning the importance of the creation, valuation and of the preservation of the local patrimonies. Such awareness is constructed by means of the interaction of the population with the patrimonies of the region where they live. 3.1 – Direct actions of Patrimonial Education For the Sucroalcooleiro Sector As we said the necessity above to inside integrate the local communities of the alive history of the city and the region basically require the approach of this community with the patrimony associated it. About this direction interactive activities had been thought that search the wakening of the cultural conscience, so that the valuation of the Cultural Patrimony not only comes to instigate to foment the valuation of the local identity as a whole, as mainly it comes to create multiplying and diffusing agents of knowledge.
The idea is that such activities generate integration nets that come to culminate in the full exercise of the citizenship and the responsibility front to the cultural patrimony. The activities had been thought inside of the different social and local contexts, trying to maximize the process of creation of the knowledge. Thus in, Feiras the Farming ones; educational activity directed by the way of exposition of displayed archaeological devices in show windows, banners, clarifying pamphlets, projection of films and photos, using to advantage the diversified public of visitors of the fair.