To move in the education, in the truth, is to change everything that happens between adults young and the influence of those on the new generation. Perhaps it has a incontido fear of the results that such changes can bring, only that in way to the fears happen the disobediences in education substance the ideas, the habits and the structures move very to devagar. It does not have alive interest or same attention for some sectors, (poverty education lack is always income-producing) to the time where if it lives in the elaboration of politics for the field of the education, the reports of the current evaluations (SARESP/ENEM/ENADE) healthful increments for itself to know at least in general way as it is to the education promoted for the public agencies, give account of the chaos and scare, imediatistas actions seem solucionadoras, questioned for educators and compared the previous proposals they do not factuam, they do not emplacam and they are predestinold to the same ones you saw previous, proposals need to leave the paper, to leave of being only intentions. There it appears to the particular school as only alternative for a society acuada between the offered school and a school that charges values to the incompatible times with the income gained for the majority of the population, this school has that to fulfill accurately what if waits of a contracted service, an Education beyond the mercantile Product, understands that to the measure that if presents efficient the cost is charged that if raises the measure of the organization and fulfilment of the legal requirements that they are citizens. It implies much more in the qualification of the team that composes in the installations and brought up to date equipment, an environment I propitiate the education, has certain minimum requirements, but a school that if imprisoned will not be limited to the minimum, it will always invest more and it will always have a vision of what it can be made to improve the service that if gives, still, but when if has in mind intention and position beyond the 2 business, the education of children and the future of them directed well with the galhardia of who dealt with lives, not only customers. We will have to observe in this work the functionality and legality of a school of basic education with objective defined in educating at the same time that a sustainable company. Without leaving of side the factor teach-learning and the factors influence that it.
The closing and constant changes of the schools of infantile, basic and average education, are the consequence of what it says the proper comment of the SEBRAE that the majority of the companies they are created does not resist to the first year of existence, and the lack of preparation and empreendedorismo of such entrepreneurs also in the educational sector. In short good part of the schools does not obtain to equate good education profit. We will observe relative factors to the Education, Education, learning; not necessarily in this order some details empreendedorsticos. To take care of the changes that the world contemporary demands and to offer to north to the students ranks in the school for politics of universalizao of education and those that differently are interested in to learn; changes have that to have urgently and emplementadas.