During my recent stay in Moscow, following the conclusion of the First World Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, shared with a representative of the Catholic Church very interesting. It is also the Secretary for Transport at the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications of Chile, Father Raul Erazo Torricelli. Since then it has happened many times in my mind to write about the impact of the Catholic Church in road safety, since it is no secret that it has exercised for centuries an impressive influence on the development of society. It is important that there is a request under the rigors of the Vatican called the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, which is the ultimate representation Arz. Marchetto Augustine, who said in his speech in Moscow, which the Catholic Church considers the mobility a positive development for humanity, because it represents for the human being in work, social, cultural, health and trade and economic aspect . The Pontifical Council for the Pastoral work is developing a reflection on road safety which will be discussed later, which no doubt help foster proper education in the public road users. Numerous meetings are encouraging in the Americas dedicated to road safety and drivers' pastoral in recent times, with the firm intention of being the Church co-responsible with the State, in the modification of user behavior drivers , pedestrians and passengers, and influence children and young people especially in terms of prudence, responsibility and respect. Something that we highlight on this occasion, is the Firmazo in the conviction of the Catholic Church, have the possibilities to collaborate on road safety from the bosom of families. This intention represents a significant step in the goal that any country intending to reduce traffic accidents.