As Garaudy (1980) the expression through the organized movements of the body in significant sequences of experiences that exceed the power of the words and the mimic one, makes possible educators educandos the taking of conscience of its possibilities by means of the corporal expression, and when practising transfers them security to its cognitivas activities, becoming harmonious its development in the communication and expression, and the real and integral characteristics of the body. Sant' anna (2001, P. 71) comes to add to the previous idea when it says that ' ' the body politic our daily space: it is in it and for it that we feel, we desire, we act, and criamos' '. It is through the body that we appropriate in them of a place in the world, that we keep interpersonal relations. The corporal expression must be seen with new looks, allowing an interlacement between body and world. The gestures and movements must be constructed through significant sensorial experiences, making possible the knowledge of the body, feeling that it is through it that the individual if communicates with the other.
According to Wallon (apud CHARLOT, 2000 P. 46), ' ' (…) all the relation of me with me exactly passes for my relation with the other (…). I and the other are on forever. ' ' In accordance with Gardner (1995) interpersonal intelligence includes the ability to understand the other people: as they work, it motivates what them, as if to relate efficiently with them. This type of intelligence is the one that sobressai in the individuals that easiness of relationship with the others has, that use this ability to understand and to react to the emotional manifestations of the people its return. In the children and young the such manifest ability if in whom they are efficient when negotiating with its pairs, that assume the leadership, or that they recognize when the others are not felt well and if they worry about this.